In its pursuit to formulate and self-manufacture a nutritious cost saving fish feed, Aqua Tech experimented with a blend of soy and grains (typical constituents of fish feed) fortified by minerals and vitamins and most importantly, moringa. While not known to many, moringa is a nutrient rich botanical, very popular and highly valued in the Philippines, which happens to be the homeland of Aqua Tech's President, Rocky French. The Philippine culture has long known moringa possesses multitude of health benefits and curative properties. Tests conducted on Aqua Tech's farms have yielded extremely positive results using moringa as a significant ingredient in the fish feed manufactured and fed to the fish on the Company's farms.

Meanwhile in the United States, the amazing nutritional properties of moringa have recently begun to attract the attention of the health and wellness industry. Historically valued in Asia, modern science is now confirming that the leaves of this plant have 2 times more protein than yogurt, 3 times more potassium than bananas, 4 times more calcium than milk, 4 times more vitamin A than carrots, 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 25 times the iron of spinach. Turns out, moringa leaves are also packed with antioxidants and contain all the amino acids of meat, making moringa an excellent dietary supplement.

Originally with a view toward fish feed, but now with a broader view which includes the rapidly growing and extremely lucrative health and wellness market, Aqua Tech is rapidly expanding the farmed acreage dedicated to moringa trees on its farms.